5 Tips For Goal Setting

Have you ever thought about making a change or setting a goal for yourself but are not really sure where to start?

Moreover, do you have the thought clear on what you want but are not sure what to do next? If you’ve got the vision, this blog post is for you. If you’re not clear on your vision yet, check a previous post here so you’re ready to set goals.

5 Tips For Goal Setting

Here are 5 quick tips to help you not just set your goals but achieve them!

1. Make sure they are specific and measurable.

“I want to lose weight” is vague and won’t allow you to ever accomplish it. “I want to lose weight by Oct. 15th” is better, but still not specific enough. “I want to weigh 130 pounds by October 15th” is best. It’s specific, it’s measurable, and it has a specific date in mind to accomplish this.

2. Write them down, tell a friend, and find someone you can be accountable to weekly.

You’re 33% more likely to accomplish the goal if you write it down and tell a friend and have an accountability partner. 33%!! Your accountability partner can be a friend, a coach, or a mentor, but again it should be someone specific and you have a set day/time each week you check in.

3. Make a plan to achieve that goal.

If my goal is to weigh 130 pounds by Oct 15th, how much time do I have? How much weight do I need to release by then? What new habits do I need to adopt to satisfy the goal?

I love this quote by Henry Ford: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

In other words, you can’t expect different results by doing the same thing. So what do you need to do daily, weekly, and monthly to accomplish the goal? In particular, it might be drinking water, exercising, tracking macros or calories in, tracking exercise and movement. Weekly could be shopping, meal prep, and meal planning, talking to your coach or accountability partner, monthly, taking measurements, meeting with a fitness coach, etc.

You get the idea, I hope!

Make the plan, write it down, AND STICK TO IT!

I love this quote from the book Atomic Habits (if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it when trying to create new habits for yourself)

What’s Your Income Goal?

Another example (other than weight loss), is a sales goal, an income goal, etc. I work with a lot of people in direct sales. Often the goal consists of making the next rank or enrolling new customers. So we set the plan backwards. Where do you want to be, where are you now? What gaps do you need to fill? How can you fill them? What daily, weekly and monthly activities do you need to do to make that happen?

4. Review your goals regularly

Personally, I review my goals every morning and night. In fact, I know some experts that review them more than that each day. Don’t lose sight of the goal. Review it regularly and keep your eyes on the end goal!

5. Write out affirmations or a mission statement

This is important so that WHEN (not IF) you get discouraged, you’re reminded of your vision, or desires and the positive affirmations around it. Besides, resistance is part of the process. In other words, you can’t change or grow or meet a goal without some resistance. With this in mind, have some prepared words, affirmations, and a clear vision statement ready for when those moments come.

Do you have a tip for goal setting? I’d love to hear from you! Share what works for you when going for something big!


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