Do You Have To Be an Expert Salesman/Woman To Succeed in a Networking Marketing Business?

Hey there! I’m excited to talk to you today about one of my favorite topics: MLM mythbusters.


I’m hoping by now that you’ve either seen a few of my MLM mythbusters or you’ve seen my content somewhere sharing tips and tricks that support network marketers. Why? Because I want to help others! This business has changed my life and it can change yours too. But you may have to break down some mental roadblocks to get there.  Let me help you do that! I really want to be a support system and a cheerleader for you if you’re not finding it elsewhere. So let me share some tips that have helped me and that I hope, are breaking the mold of what people think.


I want to ask you a question: are you one that has thought to yourself—or have you tried to bring someone into the business who’s thought—you have to be skilled or really great at sales in order to be successful in this business? 


Maybe they think they’re not skilled enough, they’re not smart enough, or they’ve never done sales; they don’t know how. They’re not salespeople. Sound familiar?


I’m here to break the myth. You 100% do NOT need to be great at sales, marketing, or  even “smart”,—to succeed in this industry. In fact, sales experience isn’t even necessary.


And I am living proof. I came to this business with really very little belief in myself. I had zero experience in sales, and zero experience in network marketing. High school was a struggle for me, college definitely was, I barely made it, and I failed more tests than I care to admit to. I definitely wouldn’t consider myself “book smart”. And yet here I am a top leader, top earner in my company, sharing this with you today!


So let me set the record straight! You don’t have to be skilled. That can be taught. But I do have some things that got me to where I am today, and what I see within my team. So here we go…

Top Tips to be Successful in MLM Marketing


First, you need to have a compelling WHY.


That sounds easy enough, but many people don’t take the time to really sit down and analyze why they want to do this. What is it this business can do for you? You have to be driven by something very clear and specific. Is it so you can go on vacation, pay off your student loans, or buy a house? Is it to get out of the 9-5? It is to save for retirement? It is the hope for something more? Something different? 


Or is it so you can spend more time with your family and have money for the “extras” that come up every month? Is it to prove to your self you can, is it to make someone proud of you? Whatever it is, dig deep into your reasons for wanting this—and don’t be afraid if they change over time. Mine has! It’s part of the process.


Second, you need to follow these three steps:


1. Be Trainable


When I first started out in direct sales, I didn’t know what I was doing. Remember, I had zero experience. But again I had that compelling why. So I reached out for support. I was willing to learn. I worked with people that had been down this path and could teach me. I knew nothing and wanted to succeed, I knew I had to do that with the help of others. I read books, I listened to podcasts, I wanted to learn and grow and I was willing to learn and find the answers. The greatest experience of all, was taking action. It was not easy, I’ll tell you that. But it was part of the learning experience.


2. Keep Trying


I knew I wanted something different in my life, but this was hard. Really hard. The rejection I was feeling and getting stung. I wanted to quit many times, but my ego wouldn’t let me. I did not want to fail-that felt more painful than to keep going. So I kept trying, asked for support, continued to take action, found other ways to meet and connect with people, and slowly but surely things started happening. 


The truth is, I was shown a vision of what was possible, and I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.


 I believe that by staying persistent and focused on your vision, you’re going to be able to achieve anything that you want in life. You just have to keep trying.


3. Keep Failing Forward

Failing is part of the process. I had some massive failures. Events that people didn’t show up to, people I was introduced to that were not easy on me and made me feel super small and totally out of my element. I had people join and never do anything (which I thought at the time was a reflection of me and my leadership), I had unhappy customers, family that didn’t buy from me, lots and lots of no’s. But it was part of my refining process and made the wins that much sweeter. The failures have been some of my greatest teaching moments. Let them be yours too!

The Takeaway


I was not willing to quit. My why, my ego, kept me going. Once I got to that year mark, I had made so much progress. Why would I throw in the towel then? Here I am eight years later, still going strong.

You don’t have to be skilled (AKA “smart”) to do this! And I put that in air quotes because I’ve changed that belief about myself. I’m smart in different ways. I might not take tests well, but I have other skill sets. You don’t have to have a crazy skill set about sales. That can be learned. You don’t have to be articulate. Believe me, you don’t have to really be anything. You just have to have a compelling reason that will get you out of bed, get you on that phone, to that networking event, to the farmers market, to get you to make some videos, share on social media, whatever it takes.


You don’t need to know everything at the start. If you’re willing to learn, then you can definitely be taught the things you need to know along the way.


If I can offer any support in any way, please let me know. We’ve got to stick together in this industry! I’m a huge fan and I’m so grateful that I jumped in because it’s forever changed my life. I hope it changes yours too. Reach out here, let me know if I can support you in any way. I’m cheering you on!


By the way, if you want to watch my youtube video on this topic, watch it on my channel here, or watch it below:

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