Vision: Without it, we repeat what’s familiar.

What does vision mean in business?

I can tell you that without a vision, you’re likely to repeat what’s familiar. And in my experience, that will keep you from taking action.

So what does vision do, and how does it work?

Having a vision for your life can help you focus on what’s truly important. It’s easier to say no to distractions or other opportunities if you know where you’re headed.

I have had to create a vision for myself recently. To be completely honest, I got comfortable. And as the quote I shared above states, I aimed too low and reached it. So now what?

It’s time to aim higher.

So how do you activate the mind to cast vision?

Personally, I spend time journaling. I begin by writing whatever comes to mind, letting my pen flow freely across the page. “What do I really want?” I ask that to myself over and over. Eventually, I settle into a groove and write what I really want to say.

What do you want? Start to write it out. Keep writing it out again and again.

The best way is to go deeper, spend time thinking, and get clear on what it is you want.

I was part of an exercise in which we were asked “what do you want?” and we kept writing for several minutes.

What might start out as “to lose weight. To get a new car. To have more clients…” will take a different angle. It might be something like “to feel more peace, to feel more connected, to be respected, to have abundance…”

The meaning and thoughts go deeper which helps you get closer to your vision.

I do this exercise yearly, at least. I find my priorities shift and sometimes the thing I thought I was aiming for or wanting no longer serves my current goals and wishes.

What do you want?

I recommend doing this often. And ask yourself over and over “what do you want?” until you start to feel the shift and get clear on what it really is in your core you want. That’s vision.

Stay tuned! I have some content coming around goals, setting goals to help you get closer to that vision.


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