What Makes A Great Team?

Have you ever been part of something exciting? How about a team that won a championship of any kind? Sports? Debate? Chess? A cook-off? A dance team that had success in competition? I ask this question a lot and am surprised how many people tell me that no, they haven’t been part of any winning team. Really?! Never?

Let me tell you about the first winning team experience I had. I remember I was 14 years old and I became part of a church softball team which consisted of girls ranging in age from 12-18. We all had different skill sets and came with different experiences.

Together though, we had an incredible team. We took region every year that I remember. The feelings of accomplishment, excitement, and nerves all bundled together made for some memorable moments.

So what made us such a great team? It wasn’t a team full of all-stars. I can attest because I was one of the weak ones! I truly feel it came down to a few key principles that apply to business growth, team growth, and personal growth.

What makes a great team?

Great teams make great things happen. It’s a simple formula, but it’s not always easy. But what makes a team great? What makes them different from the rest? Well, here’s what I’ve learned from my experience.

1. An excellent coach

A great coach at the head of it. Our coach Vera, was exceptional. Let me first state that she was a volunteer. She didn’t get paid, and she was not a professional. In every part of her coaching, she cared. She was just willing to do it.

She was passionate, she was energetic, she cheered us on and supported us, and helped us in practices until our weaknesses became strengths. Coach Vera made us feel like what we did and what we contributed was important, no matter how big or how small. She was a great communicator and made sure we knew the plan. I can still picture her cheering us on as we stole a base or came into home. Her energy and excitement were infectious!

Vera also pushed us out of our comfort zones. In a variety of ways, she gave us every opportunity to grow and improve and learn new skills   and it built our confidence. Vera would ask us to play positions that were new to us or unfamiliar. A great coach will help you get out of your comfort zone on a regular basis! There’s no growth in the comfort zone, and there’s no comfort in the growth zone!

2. Willing and passionate players

Any team needs players that are willing to put in the work, even when they don’t want to. We had practices weekly for softball. If we didn’t show up not only did we not get the practice we needed, we didn’t learn the plays-it affected our playtime, and affected the team as a whole.

Forfeiting was not an option! Be a team player. It’s not just about you.

3. Energy

Just as coach Vera had, we had to bring energy to the team too. If we showed up to games or practices with our head down, arms folded, withdrawn-that kind of energy doesn’t get the job done and doesn’t support a team atmosphere. A good team has good energy, and sometimes it’s up to others in the group to bring that energy when others are lacking it.

4. A united vision

Are you all in alignment with the end goal? Does everyone on the team feel like they have a part in that vision? Even as a weak player on the softball team, I knew that my contribution was important and that I mattered. Everyone had their part to play and we couldn’t get to where we wanted without the entire team’s help. 



As you think of the team you lead, the household you run, or whatever “team” you are part of now, I hope you’ll consider what energy you are bringing to the group. Understand that you need to help those around you find their strengths and push them out of their comfort zone a little. Make the group feel part of a team and included in the process. And last but not the least, help model the energy needed. A team in alignment and full of great energy is unstoppable!


To Coach Vera, I say, thank you!

Thank you for the example you set for not just me but our team, and for believing in us both on and off the field. I’m incredibly grateful for the leadership lessons you taught me as a young girl that I still reflect on now as I lead my team. It’s amazing to see the impact you’ve made on my life, my sister’s life, and many other girls you cheered on and coached those many years ago!

I reached out to a few girls from this team to ask for their input, and they mirrored my own. Vera was an important part of our lives. Katrina shared: “my feelings about Vera are very tender and close to my heart. She was at a very critical time in my life, my earthly angel. I struggle to speak of her without it causing emotions. She is without a doubt, a woman who rescued me.” We can be that person for others too. ❤️


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I invite you all to check out my videos on my Youtube Channel or know more about me and how I can help you with your pet’s health here!

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